Will Powell (Unlicensed)
- Label Text: The text that will appear on the button.
- Button Color: The background color of this button.
- Button Label Color: The color of the text that will appear on this button.
- Border Color: The border color for this button.
- Icon Code: The character code for the icon to be displayed on this button.
- Child Module: The module that is displayed when this button is pressed.
- Button Link URL: Optionally, this button can open a URL if one is specified in this field.
- Auto Click Condition: Optionally, specify a boolean expression to automatically click the button.
- Button Visible Condition: Optionally, specify a boolean expression to automatically show the button.
- Button Shape: The shape of the button, valid values are 'SQUARE' or 'RECTANGLE'.
- Border Width: The width of the border on this button.
- Border Radius: The rounded corner radius of this button, larger values creates more rounded corners.
- Button Style: The style of the button, can either be '3D' (default) or 'Flat'.
- Button Image: Specifies the asset to be used from the app content page.
- Button Opacity: The opacity of the button, can range from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely opaque).
- Button Visible: Whether the button is visible or not, true/false.
- Immediate Click: Whether the button should be immediately clicked by the app when loaded, true/false.
{"serverDuration": 17, "requestCorrelationId": "a3ec0c94e8844315a03b338b0f02ded7"}