Field: Text Field - Designer Fields
Will Powell (Unlicensed)
- Label Text: The text that will appear above the text field.
- Label Color: The color of the label text.
- Variable Name: The name of this variable.
- Value: The value of this field.
- Remember: Remember this value on the device.
- Autocorrect: Allow autocorrect on this field.
- Field Background Color: Background color of the input field.
- Field Border Color: Border color of the input field.
- Field Border Width: Border width of the input field.
- Field Border Radius: Border radius of the input field.
- Field Text Color: Text color of the text inside the input field.
- Field Maximum Length: Maximum length of text in the input field.
- Validation Expression: Regular expression to validate field input.
- Required: Is this field required.
- Keyboard: Keyboard type, one of DEFAULT, EMAIL, NUMBER_PAD, PHONE_PAD.
- Password Mask: Mask characters for password input.
- MultiLine: Multiple line input field.
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