Will Powell (Unlicensed)
- Title Text: The title to display at the top of this module.
- Title Color: The text color for the title at the top of this module.
- Subtitle Text: The subtitle text to display at the top of this module.
- Subtitle Color: The text color for the subtitle of this module.
- Button Color: The color of the button.
- Border Color: The border color of the button.
- Button Label Color: Button text label color for the update button.
- Push Enabled Button Color: The color of the button when push is enabled.
- Push Enabled Border Color: The border color of the button when push is enabled.
- Push Enabled Button Label Color: Button text label color when push is enabled.
- Button Border Width: Width of the border around the button.
- Button Border Radius: Corner radius for the button, larger values create more rounded corners.
- Button Style: The style of the button, can either be '3D' (default) or 'Flat'.
- Button Opacity: The opacity of the button, can range from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely opaque).
- Back Button Color: The color of the back button displayed at the top of the module.
- Back Button Label Color: Back button label text color.
- Back Button Border Color: Color of the back button's border.
- Back Button Border Width: Border width for the back button.
- Back Button Border Radius: Corner radius for the back button, larger values create more rounded corners.
- Back Button Style: The style of the back button, can either be '3D' (default) or 'Flat'.
- Back Button Opacity: The opacity of the back button, can range from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely opaque).
- Push Channel: The name of the push channel.
- Auto Subscribe: Automatically subscribe to the push channel.
- Draft Auth URL: The URL of the draft auth endpoint.
{"serverDuration": 16, "requestCorrelationId": "18e72393e9274b6d92805e632fc4998c"}