Will Powell (Unlicensed)
- Label Text: The text that will appear above the text field.
- Label Color: The color of the label text.
- Variable Name: The name of this variable.
- Value: The value of this radio button.
- Options: The options in this drop down list separated by commas.
- Remember: Remember this value on the device.
- Field Background Color: Background color of the radio button.
- Field Border Color: Border color of the radio button.
- Field Border Width: Border width of the radio button.
- Field Border Radius: Border radius of the checkbox.
- Field Text Color: Color of the check inside the checkbox.
- Required: Is this field required.
{"serverDuration": 19, "requestCorrelationId": "b1d3b2f2a8e345fea4e8f8b21fb56c26"}