Create a WorkAlone Session Question

Create a WorkAlone Session Question

  1. Navigate to the WorkAlone Session Questions tab on the WorkAlone Settings page.

  2. Click the “Add New Question” button on the top-right of the panel.

  3. Fill out the following form fields:

    • Field Name: Name of the field

    • Variable Name: The variable name of the field. This must be unique. Variable names can be used as placeholders in WorkAlone Contact Notifications.

    • Field Type: Can be a Text Field, DropDown List, Combo Box, or CheckBox

    • Required: WorkAlone Users must fill out this field to start a WorkAlone Session

    • Remember: The value of this field is remembered between sessions.

    • Default Value: The default value of this field

    • Hidden Field: Whether this field is hidden to the user or not

    • Validation Expression: A RegEx used to validate what the user inputs into the field

      • North American Phone Number RegEx:

        /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[- ]?(\d{3})[- ]?(\d{4})$/
  4. Click the “Save Session Question” button to save.

  5. You can use the Up and Down arrows in the “Actions” column to change the order of the fields

  6. You can see a preview of the in-app menu by clicking the phone icon in the header of the “WorkAlone Session Questions” table



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