Push Alert Status

This pulls an Alert Status from the content of any Push Notification that you send to the app (whether it's by the Dashboard or your email integration).

Using the screenshot below as an example, this would be the yellow bar that appears on the main menu of the app. When you click on that Push Alert Status, it will take you to the Alert History page:

A few notes on Push Alert Status:

  1. The "look" of the alert will always be the same.

  2. You set a "timeout" on the feed, so it will display notifications that have been sent within a specific amount of time. Most clients use 1 hour or 1 day, but this can be whatever you want.

  3. In the Designer, this will appear as a second Alert Status. You can theoretically have multiple Alert Statuses showing in the app if you launch one from the Dashboard and one via push notification.