Staff Permissions and Settings Tabs

Staff Permissions and Settings Tabs

The Staff Permissions and Settings Tabs provide added security and configuration options for the Incident Command module.

Staff Permissions Tab

Staff Permissions affects what Staff Users can see, edit, and activate Incident Command Teams.

The Incident Command Module is itself two unique Staff Permissions for the administration and activation of the tool. This can be modified via the Staff Permissions page of the dashboard.

However, the Staff Permissions page specifically affects what Staff and Staff Groups can view certain teams.

Start by selecting the team you wish to restrict. Then select “Restricted: Only designated staff and groups” and choose either Staff Member or Staff Group. Then, select the correct Staff Member or Group and click “Add Staff”. Now only that Staff Member or group of staff members can see the team in question on the Incident Command Teams Tab.

Settings Tab

The Settings Tab provides additional Incident Command global settings. The page is broken down into the following options.

System Addresses: This allows you to input a custom phone number and from email address for the notifications from the system. Otherwise, the system will use default values - 888-515-4546 for voice calls and noreply@apparmor.com for emails.


Activation User Contact Points: This section specifies the preferred contact data points for activation notifications. For example, if there are multiple data points for phone numbers for end users (via the Users page) you can specify which field from their user profile is the most appropriate. This will be the default value for all teams; you can override these contact points in specific team settings.

Deactivation User Contact Points: This section specifies the preferred contact data points for deactivation notifications. For example, if there are multiple data points for phone numbers for end users (via the Users page) you can specify which field from their user profile is the most appropriate. This will be the default value for all teams; you can override these contact points in specific team settings.


Roster Settings: This allows system administrators to modify the Roster Escalation Time, Automated Deactivation Notifications, and Users Available for Manual Role Assignment.

In the first case, the Roster Escalation time is the amount of time the system will wait for a response prior to escalating to the next user in the roster. The timing options range from 1-5 minutes.

Automated Deactivation Notifications are the deactivation alerts that are sent to users when an event is complete. By default, only users in the event receive these alerts, although these notifications may also reach those users that declined the role, or all available users.

Users Available for Manual Role Assignment are the users which can be manually assigned (i.e. they are not on the Role Roster for a given role) by system admins during an activation. This can be limited to just the users on the team in question or expanded to all users globally.


Role Declined Feedback: Should a user refuse a role, you can optionally ask users to pick a declined reason. Common examples are “No Longer in this Role”, “On Vacation”, or “Sick”.


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