Drop-Drown Variables Tab

Drop-Drown Variables Tab

Drop-down variables are variables with predefined options. You can create multiple drop-down variables for use in your Notification Templates with this interface.

When you navigate to the Drop-Down Variables Tab, you’ll see a list of existing variables, as well as a “New Drop-Down Variable” button. Clicking the View/Modify button, or the New Drop-Down Variable button will open the Details page.

You can also delete existing variables from here. If you delete an existing variable and leave the placeholder in your Templates, the field will behave like a Text Field the nest time a sender uses a Template with the variable.

Variable Details

Click New Drop-Down Variable and enter a unique name, or click View/Modify to edit an existing variable.

Either option will bring you to the Variable Details page. Here you can see the existing values for the variables. A value is an option that a user will be able to select for this variable when sending a notification. Values are able to be complex in AppArmor Alert, to handle short and long versions, as well as supporting multiple languages.

Add Drop-Down Value

To add a new drop-down value, click “Add Drop-Down Value” and fill in the fields. Here’s an example of what it will look like if your Dashboard has two languages:

Rename Variable

You can rename the variable if desired.

Note that renaming a variable does NOT edit your Templates. If you rename a variable, you’ll need to find all instances of it in your Templates and replace it with the new variable name. For this reason, renaming variables is not recommended.


Modifying an existing value is done with the same interface as Add Drop-Down Value.


Similarly to Templates, you can use these buttons to decide what order the values will appear in the drop-down.

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