Location Services Features FAQ

Location Services Features FAQ

Locations Services features on the AppArmor Platform utilize many different sophisticated pieces of technology. This technology is complex and has many variables which can modify accuracy levels and other readings from a smartphone. This document is meant to address some of the most common questions that come up when a location services feature is used.

1. What are Location Services and How do they work?

Without getting too technical, Location Services is the ability of a smartphone device to determine your location. They are required for numerous apps, such as Google Maps, Uber and more. Incidentally, AppArmor apps do not track your position unless you request to do so, such as in the case of using a safety walking feature (more on that below).

Location Services is a combination of 3 different services on your smartphone: your GPS connectivity, your cellular connectivity and whether or not your Wi-Fi is on. These 3 services come together using trilateration (not triangulation, which is different) to determine your location with the highest degree of accuracy, which is about 15-30 feet (5-10 meters).

2. My Location Reading Wasn’t Very Accurate Inside – Why?

As mentioned in the previous answer, location services is dependent on GPS capabilities, Wi-Fi being “on” and cellular connectivity. When a user is indoors, location readings from all the services, but particularly Wi-Fi, become less accurate as the signal is literally bumping into walls, pipes, floors etc. This skews the reading, making it less accurate.

Simply put: location services work better outside.

3. Tell me more about GPS – How Exactly Does it Work?

That’s a big question. Essentially, satellites are constantly relaying information down to your smartphone. When there are more sattelites available, it becomes more accurate. Here’s a handy video on how it works in very specific details: https://youtu.be/FU_pY2sTwTA

4. Am I Always Being Tracked by Location Services?

No. You are only giving your position to the administrators of your AppArmor system when you (the end-user) request to do so. So for instance, if you decide to tap the button which sends your location to the security/police force, then the app will do so. Otherwise you are not being tracked.

5. My Smartphone Thinks I’m a lot further away - Why?

When you first access a location services feature, the app will try to get the most accurate reading possible. However, due to the numerous possible environmental and user-preference factors, the readings maybe be inaccurate at first. After the initial reading, the app will constantly attempt to improve the accuracy of the reading. That is, as time goes on the reading will be more accurate. However, if you enter an area with limited connection (such as a building) the reading may become less accurate as environmental factors have changed. The important takeaway here is this: the smartphone and the app are always trying to get the most accurate reading possible.

6. For Dispatchers: Why is The User’s Location is “Jumping” Across the Location Map?

Again, this is the smartphone trying to get the most accurate reading for that user’s location. As environmental conditions change, the accuracy will improve and worsen depending on those conditions. Give the user time to return to a location of better connection or (when applicable) give them a call to notify them that you’re not sure of their current position.

Ultimately we’d all love if location services was always 100% accurate. The reality though is that while the app and the smartphone are attempting to get the reading to its most accurate level of 15-30 feet (5-10 meters), there are numerous environmental and user-preference factors which an affect the reading.

Questions and Assistance

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact AppArmor support: support@apparmor.com.