How to Save Changes to Draft Mode

  1. Go to the Designer in your dashboard.

  2. Make your intended changed using the designer. For this example, we will add a button to the front menu of our app, and call it “Draft Button”. Your changes will be displayed in the App Preview, but they will not be reflected in your app until you publish them.


  3. Click the “Save Draft” button to save your changes to draft mode. Do not click the “Publish” button, as this will display your changes to all users of your app.


  4. Once you click the “Save Draft” button, the Version & Publishing section of the Designer will look a little different.

a) Previous Version Dropdown: Revert your currently saved draft to a previous version

b) Discard Draft Button: Discard the draft you are working on, and go back to working on the currently published settings.

c) Save Draft Button: Save the draft you are working on.

d) Publish Button: Publish the draft you are working on, so that all users of the app can view your changes.

5. When you return to the designer in the future, your Draft settings will be loaded rather than your Published settings. This will be the case until you either discard the Draft, or publish it.


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