Navigate to the WorkAlone Session Questions tab on the WorkAlone Settings page.
Click the “Add New Question” button on the top-right of the panel.
Fill out the following form fields:
Field Name: Name of the field
Variable Name: The variable name of the field. This must be unique. Variable names can be used as placeholders in WorkAlone Contact Notifications.
Field Type: Can be a Text Field, DropDown List, Combo Box, or CheckBox
Required: WorkAlone Users must fill out this field to start a WorkAlone Session
Remember: The value of this field is remembered between sessions.
Default Value: The default value of this field
Hidden Field: Whether this field is hidden to the user or not
Validation Expression: A RegEx used to validate what the user inputs into the field
North American Phone Number RegEx:
Code Block language js /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[- ]?(\d{3})[- ]?(\d{4})$/
Click the “Save Session Question” button to save.
You can use the Up and Down arrows in the “Actions” column to change the order of the fields
You can see a preview of the in-app menu by clicking the phone icon in the header of the “WorkAlone Session Questions” table
Content Comparison