- Title Text: The title to display at the top of this module.
- Title Color: The text color for the title at the top of this module.
- Subtitle Text: The subtitle text to display at the top of this module.
- Subtitle Color: The text color for the subtitle of this module.
- Back Button Color: The color of the back button displayed at the top of the module.
- Back Button Label Color: Back button label text color.
- Back Button Border Color: Color of the back button's border.
- Back Button Border Width: Border width for the back button.
- Back Button Border Radius: Corner radius for the back button, larger values create more rounded corners.
- Back Button Style: The style of the back button, can either be '3D' (default) or 'Flat'.
- Back Button Opacity: The opacity of the back button, can range from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely opaque).
- Feed URL: The URL to the feed data for this module.
- Missing Image URL: The URL or comma separated list of URLs to images that will be substituted for missing images in the rss or atom feed.
- Use External Browser: Whether to use the external browser instead of the embedded browser. Defaults to false.
- Layout Mode: The layout mode to use, options include LIST, TILE. Defaults to LIST.
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