The Alerting Mechanisms section displays a list of available ways that the messages can be sent. Licensed mechanisms can be enabled or disabled. If a mechanism is not licensed then it will display “Not Purchased”. Configuration of each Alerting Mechanism is accessed by clicking the appropriate “View Details” button.
All Alerting Mechanisms share a similar interface on their details pages. The details page will allow you to enable or disable the mechanism by using the button in the top right corner. The details pages also display a series of tabs that allows you to view information and configure the mechanism. The main tab of each mechanism displays subscriber statistics. The rest of the tabs are described in the following sections.
Child pages (Children Display) |
General Information on Alerting Mechanisms
Alerting Mechanisms are an important element of your AppArmor Alert system configuration. Generally, Alerting Mechanisms are configured by creating a number of "Alerting Mechanism Groups" and adding Subscribers (ie, phone numbers, email addresses, or URL endpoints) to each group. Once you've created and Alerting Mechanism Group, you need to add it to a Sending Profile to allow your Alert Publishers to send to it.
This simple diagram shows the place of Alerting Mechanism Groups and Subscribers in the AppArmor Alert data structure.