The dashboard page homepage is shown after a successful login. It displays:
Links to download your apps from the various app stores
Subscriber statistics for push notifications by platform
Access to detailed statistics for push subscribers downloadable to Excel format
Recent Alert Statuses
Recent Push Notifications
News and Announcements from AppArmor
is your starting point for all system features.
Dashboard Navigation
Once signed in, the Dashboard consists of three main sections:
Header Bar: Displays logos and information about your session and profile.
Menu Bar: Allows you to navigate the various features of the Dashboard
Content Area: Display the content for the selected feature.
Dashboard on Mobile Devices
The Dashboard is a mobile responsive site and can be accessed using a mobile phone. The Dashboard interface will "stack" when viewed on a mobile device.
Some features of the Dashboard are quite complex, and best accessed through a desktop or laptop computer (e.g.: Designer).