SFTP connections should be made over Port 2200
File Format
The files should by plain text and contain one subscriber per line.
File Names
The names of the files should correspond to the group code they will be imported to, and have a .txt file extension. (e.g.: students.txt)
File Locations
Place the file in the correct folder for the mechanism.
Synchronization runs automatically whenever a new file is uploaded. We recommend once per day, and no more than twice per day.
Custom Synchronization
Custom synchronization preferences can be configured on the "Custom Subscriber Sync" tab. Files should be placed in the /CUSTOM FTPS folder, and should be CSV formatted text files that include a header row.
Custom Subscriber Sync
You can view all of the files in the CUSTOM folder on the FTP site. Most clients rely on AppArmor Staff to create file mappings for these files. We recommend that for the most part any interaction with this page (other than downloading a file to verify its contents) is left to AppArmor Staff.