AppArmor recommends using modern browsers when accessing the dashboard. These include the latest versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
Signing Into the Dashboard
Each client has a unique access URL that begins with their institution code. For instance, if your institution is named “University College” then your Dashboard URL would be https://universitycollege.apparmor.com. If you don’t know your Dashboard URL code, please contact AppArmor Support for assistance. When you visit your Dashboard, you’ll be prompted to sign in.
The Dashboard supports three authentication modes:
- Dashboard Accounts: These are account credentials that authenticate to the AppArmor users database.
- Single-Sign-On Accounts: These are accounts that authenticate with an external identity provider, typically your organizations user directory system.
- Mixed Authentication: Allows both Dashboard Accounts and Single-Sign-On Accounts for redundancy purposes. This way, if your SSO provider is unavailable, you can authenticate using your Dashboard Account credentials.
Signing Out Of The Dashboard
When you have finished using the Dashboard, press the “Sign Out” button to end your session. The Sign Out button allows you to securely end your Dashboard session. Once clicked, you’ll be returned to the sign in page.
Please note that login sessions on the Dashboard remain active while your browser is open, and you have not logged out. This is because the Dashboard is often monitored for incoming requests from end users, and cannot timeout sessions automatically. Otherwise those notifications could be missed.
Password Resets
You will receive an email with a link to reset your password:
Click the link and follow instructions to complete the process:
Multi-Factor Authentication
The AppArmor Dashboard supports multi-factor authentication. Your administrator may choose to enable this features. If enabled, you will be required to enter an authorization code sent by SMS or Email when authenticating:
Password Expiration
Optionally, your Dashboard administrator may choose to enable the "Password Expiration" security feature. If enable, you will be prompted to create a new password periodically:
Dashboard Navigation
Once signed in, the Dashboard consists of three main sections:
- Header Bar: Displays logos and information about your session and profile.
- Menu Bar: Allows you to navigate the various features of the Dashboard
- Content Area: Display the content for the selected feature.
Navigation on Mobile Devices
The Dashboard is a mobile responsive site and can be accessed using a mobile phone. The Dashboard interface will "stack" when viewed on a mobile device.
Some features of the Dashboard are quite complex, and best accessed through a desktop or laptop computer (e.g.: Designer).